The most distinguished feature of the development of the deepwater marginal field named Lufeng 22-1 lies in carrying out production without an offshore platform. 陆丰22-1深水边际油田开发最与众不同之处在于采用无生产平台的采油方式。
The Issue And Outspread Of "Lose Of The Human" In The Traditional Moral Education; A Marginal Gap: The Field of Historical Anthropology 传统德育人学空场问题及其展开边界的空隙:一个历史人类学的场域
Criminal law for the digital copyright is an intercrossed and marginal research field that come into existence recently. 数字版权的刑法保护是近几年来兴起的一项交叉且边缘性的研究领域。
A new pattern subsea drilling template and its installing technology were researched to improve the development benefit of offshore marginal field. 为了提高海上边际油气田开发效益,研发出了新型水下钻井基盘及其安装技术。
Horizontal well open-hole gravel packing was recommended for satisfying the development demand of offshore marginal field. 为了满足海上边际油田的开发需要,开发了水平井裸眼砾石充填防砂完井技术。
A Marginal Gap: The Field of Historical Anthropology 边界的空隙:一个历史人类学的场域
With vertical pipe shield and underwater pile-foundation, a protection frame for wellhead is designed for the development of offshore marginal field. 设计了一种适用于海上边际油气田开发的垂直护管水下桩基式井口保护架。
Most advanced technologies and equipment for deepwater marginal field development(). 开发海上深水边际油田的尖端技术装备(一)
Production and testing ship-prolonged testing, a unique approach to early production and marginal field development 生产测试船&延长测试,早期生产和边际油田开发的好办法
Influence of Marginal Effect of Electric Field on Properties of Liquid Crystal Grating 电场边缘效应对液晶光栅特性的影响
Host-network security is a rising marginal technology in the field of computer security. It provides more secure protection for hosts in network environment on the basis of consideration of the network attributes and OS attributes together. 主机网络安全是计算机安全领域新兴的边缘技术,它综合考虑网络特性和操作系统特性,对网络环境下的主机进行更为完善的保护。
Being a new offshore platform foundation, bucket foundation has a widely application prospect in developing paralic marginal oil field. 桶形基础作为一种新型的海洋平台基础,在近海边际油田的开发中有着广阔的应用前景。
Editology, a marginal field developing in between multiple sciences, is a science of information about the collection and processing of verbal information. 编辑学是发展于多学科之间的边缘科学,是关于语意信息的获取、选择和加工的信息科学。
Risk Assessment for Offshore marginal field 近海边际油田开发项目风险评估技术研究
Sensitivity Analysis of Uncertainty Mono-factor and Multi-factor on the Development of Offshore Marginal Oil Field's 海上边际油田开发方案的单因素及多因素敏感性分析
Joint Probability Calculation of Extreme Wind Speed and Wave Height in the Exploitation of Marginal Field 边际油田开发中极值风速与波高联合设计标准
Forest ecology construct is more and more concerned by academia and decision-maker, has been a keystone and a marginal study field across forestry, ecology and economy etc. Forest ecology value quantification is leading trend of forest ecology construct. 森林生态建设越来越受到学术界和决策层的关注,已成为林学、生态学、经济学等多学科研究的重点与交叉边缘研究领域,森林生态价值的定量化是其发展的主要趋势。
Marginal oil field exploitation is a system engineering including drilling operation, oil extraction, and platform construction. 边际油田的开发是集海洋油气资源之钻井、采油工程及海洋工程为一体的系统工程。
Developing Marginal Oil Gas Field Economically and Effectively 经济有效地开发好边际油气田
Strangely enough, study on humor is not reckoned with but even laughed at. Humor is still considered a marginal field of all academic researches. 但奇怪的是,有关幽默的研究一直没有得到足够的重视,甚至常常被人耻笑。
This research is an exploration into the characteristics of new consumers, a marginal field of communication studies. 这是一项关于新消费者特征的探索性研究。
However, due to low economic efficiency, the development of marginal oil field was very slow. 但是,由于经济效益低,边际油田的开发一直很缓慢。
At present, how to reduce the costs of marginal oil field development and construction is the core issues. 目前,在如何降低边际油田开发建设成本成为制约海上油田能否开发建设的核心问题。
FPSO has been widely used in shallow, deep water and marginal oil and gas field development. Oil and gas resources usually are transported to shore by shuttle tankers. FPSO被广泛地用于浅海、深海和边际油气田的开发,油气资源通过穿梭油轮转运到岸上。
In our tax system design, quantity-based collection made tax revenue away from the high oil price, and the existing levy standard cannot evidently reflect the differential earnings of petroleum resource, which delays the marginal oil field exploration to some extent. 在资源税制度设计中,从量计征的征收方式使得税收收入与高油价脱钩,现行课税标准也无法明显体现出石油资源的级差收益,在一定程度上削弱了对边际油田的开发力度。
As a kind of mobile facility for oil extraction, especially for the marginal oil and gas field development, using the bucket foundation offshore platform can dramatically decrease the cost and operation time during the construction due to the convenient installation and transportation. 筒型基础海洋平台是一种移动式采油设施,由于该结构便于安装和运输,故可显著减少海上施工作业的时间和费用,并可重复使用,特别适宜于边际油气田的开发。
In recent years, with the development of oil, there is less and less chance to found the large oil field, so, researchers pay more and more attention to the exploitation of the marginal oil field. 近年来,随着石油的开发,发现大型油田的概率越来越小,边际油田的开发越来越受到重视。
The ice-resistant platform structures should have the simplicity, mobility and ice-resistant performances during the marginal oil/ gas field developments in cold regions. Then a single concrete pile platform with bucket foundations is proposed. 本文分析了适用于寒区浅海边际油气田开发的抗冰平台结构应具有简易经济性、可移动性以及抗冰振等性能,并提出了满足这些性能要求的单立柱桶型基础混凝土平台型式。
This is also provided a reference for platform structure types during the marginal oil/ gas field development. 同时,为寒区边际油气田开发提供了一种可以选择的平台结构型式。
In order to adapt the needs of the exploitation of marginal oil field, new platform that is single-tank gravity offshore platform with apron-based is designed. 新型单罐、带裙板基础的重力式海洋平台正是为了适应边际油田开采需要而设计。